0.8.1 Fixed a potential security issue with stray newlines in regular expressions Changed the sample config file to reflect the new homepage 0.8 Fixed a bug causing cancelled items to display in the feeds Updated TODO list Version 0.8 instead of 0.7.1 (more than just bugfixes) Display the complete date on the edit screen Added ATOM 1.0 support to the FeedCreator class Updated the Copyright date Updated feed versions to new accepted values Integrated FeedCreator by Kai Blankenhorn (http://www.bitfolge.de/rsscreator-en.html) Cleaned up the paginator class Security enhancements to protect against session hijacking Fixed a bug in phpTodoUser that caused sorting to not work Fixed a bug that cause the cancel button to save instead Preserve page numbers on edit / complete / add Renamed rss_feeds to feeds and rss_version to version in the database "guest" is not a valid username, corrected this error in the TodoUser class 0.7 Updated the TODO list Fixed typo in sec_check that caused a php error Added code to prevent unauthorized users from entering the user managment page Added javascript validation routines for user management and preferences screens Fixed an undefined variable error when $todolist was empty Fixed a bug in the user class that prevented "All" from being chosen as a category filter Updated the user management screen and libraries to handle the email addresses RSS feeds are now valid per feedvalidator.org Added an email field to the database (initially for RSS 2.0 support) Started adding additional RSS feed items (GUID, Author, etc) Fixed an encoding issue with the TodoItem class Added about to the header menu Cleaned up the CSS and HTML code Fixed a CSS issue that caused the hovers on the main page to not wordwrap Added Javascript to check new passwords before submission Rearranged how the database handler creation and destruction was dealt with Moved all user handling into the phpTodoUser class Due dates on overview screen are colored depending on date (current, past due, today) Use the MySQL DATE_FORMAT function to handle all date conversions Created a todo_item class to handle all functions against a single task Added code to prevent files from being run unless run by phpTodo Added a completed date to the database Move some of the more commonly called functions into a separate file Added a Next Action field that appears on the overview screen as a hover Fixed another quote issue on the edit screen with the subject and description Start dates now save when creating a new task Due dates should not be set to null when there is no start date to compare to Fixed an issue causing subjects with quotes to get clobbered Forgot to add the sort_order field for the insert statement in todo.sql (Thanks anonymous) Removed the unecessary populate() call in taskedit.tpl Fixed erroneous SQL statement in sec_check.php (Thanks to Norm Fox) Altered table creation with respect to Foreign Keys for MysQL 5.0 (again, Thanks to Norm Fox) 0.6.1 Fixed two typos in the sql definition file that prevented installs 0.6 Fixed a javascript error preventing the confirmation box for deletes Updated all source code and added a GPL header Guest is no longer an allowed username - used for the about page Added 2 new status ids - Cancelled and Waiting on Someone Updated main page to allow display/supression of cancelled items Added create_time and last_modified fields Modified code to add create_time and update last_modified properly Added sort stabilizer to prevent list entries from shifting positions Added sort stabilizer and sort order to phpTodoUser object Code checks to ensure start dates occur before due dates 0.5 Fixed an xhtml parsing issue on the prefs page Disallow # as a character in the rss secret Modify javascript to be as unobtrusive as possible MySQL 5.0 fix - Thanks tprochazka at users.sourceforge.net Fixed INSERT statements in todo.sql - Thanks cinderbdt at users.sourceforge.net Fixed CSS/HTML to make links look correct in tables Fixed a bug that would allow the description to be edited by someone other than the record owner Added validation to prefs javascript Combined taskedit and taskmodify Javascript changes in todolist.js - no longer sets action Switched to use urlencode and urldecode on description. This removes the problem of escaping the same string multiple times. Also updated to use stripslashes to remove slashes when magic quotes is enabled RSS Feed updated with new link location RSS Feed updated with status, category, priority, and date information RSS Feed updated to handle line breaks "properly" (inserting
) Fixed a bug where the description was not updated if there were no other updates make to the entry Javascript updates - data validation added to all functions Added paginator code to the user management screen Fixed the paginator code to display the first and last links (<= and =>) as text when on the first or last page (instead of links) Added selenium tests - See http://www.openqa.org/selenium Change username in users table to a unique index Added redirect ability when user login times out Optimized the code in todolist and users a bit so that the initial count for the paginator gets just a count and not all the data. Prevents retrieving the data twice. Lots of documentation updates 0.4 sec_check wasn't properly populating the category_filter user object Fixed error in index that would cause sessions to timeout too quickly Began documenting code better Validation routines added (including bounds checking for strings) New item category now defaults to category being shown on overview Sorting code complete - Sort by single column Added database indexes Enhanced date handling to ensure consistency across pages Fixed a bug in the authentication code. If a user was not authenticated, they could still push commands through because the authentication code didn't exit after a failure, but continued to run through the rest of the code Added code to prevent current page in menu from being displayed Added user management code Updated documentation TODO now contains my phpTodo list for phpTodo 0.3 RSS 1.0 support RSS Authentication fix HTML Fixes for the taskedit screen Category support added RSS Version choice added to feeds Custom Categories added (per user) User object created (behind the scenes) 0.2 RSS Feed Generation Preferences page added 0.1 Initial release